Hourglass Tummy Tuck Procedure - Dr. Cortes, Dr. Hourglass, Houston,Dallas,San Antonio

Here’s another video from Dr. Hourglass operating room. In this procedure, Dr. Hourglass is performing an Hourglass Tummy Tuck. Notice in the before picture the patient has enlarge abdomen, her waist is not small, she has a square shape, she has excess skin and excess fat. And because of that she is a very good candidate for the Hourglass Tummy Tuck where the excess skin and fat are removed and the whole body is reshape with an hourglass shape by combining fat transfer to the hip, tightening of the muscle, liposuction of the waistline among other things. If you want to have an hourglass shape then Hourglass Tummy Tuck procedure is for you.
