Can I use implants to correct asymmetric buttock

Asymmetric buttocks look aesthetically unattractive. While a minor difference in the size or shape of the buttocks is not noticeable, moderate to severe unevenness between the buttocks can be easily noticed. Asymmetric buttocks also affect your overall body outline. 
The good news is that some forms of butt asymmetries can be corrected via butt implant surgery. In order to know if butt implant surgery can treat your butt asymmetry, you should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. 
During the consultation, the doctor will examine your buttocks and ask you about your aesthetic goals and expectations. Your health would also be evaluated. Based on the findings, the doctor will tell you if you are a good candidate for butt implant surgery.
If one of your buttocks is smaller than the other, butt implant surgery can effectively treat the condition. The surgeon will take measurements of your buttocks and recommend you a particularly sized implant. In most cases, the surgery will be performed on the smaller butt. After the procedure, both buttocks will become equally sized. 
However, depending on the aesthetic shortcomings and flaws, it may become necessary to place implants in both buttocks so they can become symmetrical. Implants are mostly used where the butt asymmetry is moderate or severe. Minor asymmetry is often corrected via a fat transfer procedure.
Furthermore, if one of your buttocks is flatter and falling lower than the other, it can be corrected by inserting a smaller butt implant inside the affected buttock. Depending on your aesthetic needs, it may become necessary to place different sized implants in both buttocks or combine butt implant surgery with the fat transfer procedure to treat the condition. 
Butt implant surgery to correct buttock asymmetry is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the implant will be inserted into the butt and placed under, within, or above the gluteal muscle through the incisions. The incisions will then be sutured and closed.
Every patient with asymmetrical buttocks has unique aesthetic needs. Moreover, the type of butt asymmetry also differs from patient to patient. A customized solution is critical to treat the butt asymmetry in each patient properly. 
For some patients, placing an implant in one butt would treat the condition, whereas others would need implant placement in both buttocks. Still, others would require a combo of butt implant and fat transfer procedure to treat butt asymmetry effectively. 
